ATM sign litter in bin sign potable water wheelchair symbol men’s room women’s room restroom baby symbol water closet passport control customs baggage claim left luggage warning children crossing no entry prohibited no bicycles no smoking no littering non-potable water no pedestrians no mobile phones no one under eighteen radioactive biohazard up arrow up-right arrow right arrow down-right arrow down arrow down-left arrow left arrow up-left arrow up-down arrow left-right arrow right arrow curving left left arrow curving right right arrow curving up right arrow curving down clockwise vertical arrows counterclockwise arrows button BACK arrow END arrow ON! arrow SOON arrow TOP arrow place of worship atom symbol om star of David wheel of dharma yin yang latin cross orthodox cross star and crescent peace symbol menorah dotted six-pointed star Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Ophiuchus shuffle tracks button repeat button repeat single button play button fast-forward button next track button play or pause button reverse button fast reverse button last track button upwards button fast up button downwards button fast down button pause button stop button record button eject button cinema dim button bright button antenna bars vibration mode mobile phone off female sign male sign transgender symbol symbols-00